UTV Makes ‘KKG’ a Hot Property

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,September 20 2006]

UTV is one Production House that believes in doing things in style and with absolute conviction. This year’s first big hit ‘Rang De Basanti’ is a film that has set standards in terms of marketing, content and mass appeal. It has been reported that UTV spent around Rs 10 crore on the publicity and marketing of ‘RDB’ and the results were fabulous.

Taking their own benchmark into perspective, they are going full throttle with their next release ‘Khosla Ka Ghosla’. Made at a modest budget of Rs 3 crore, it has been reported that UTV has spent around Rs 2 crore (Which is more than the half of the budget of the film) on the promotions of this film which is looking an interesting proposition. The rib tickling promos featuring the star cast of Anupam Kher, Boman Irani, Praveen Dabas, Ranvir Shourie and Vinay Pathak have added to the curiosity value. Even the poster campaign about builder Khurana is an eye catching one. The latest that we’ve heard is that free special shows are being organized for all the people who have sir names Khosla or Kurana.

It is great to come across a Production House that knows how to strike a balance between marketing, solid content and creatively selling one’s wares. Keep it up UTV!